Master of Law, KU
Reassessment, Krim
CEO, Board Member, Representative, Krim
Prosecutor, The District Attorney´s Office
Independent Defense Attorney
Defense Team, Radovan Karadzic, ICTY
International Criminal Cases, ADVO kurser
Property and Security and Creditor Rights, KU
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg lead all criminal cases, but in these areas Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg is highly specialized;
Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg only work in Criminal Law.
Attorney Rasmus Soelberg led all types of criminal cases at;
All Magistrates´ Courts, High Courts and Immigration Boards
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in France
International Criminal Courts in the Hague; ICC, STL and ICTY
Around 20 years´ experience within Criminal Law, including;
Prosecutor at the District Attorney`s Office and at the Police
Defence Team for Radovan Karadzic at the ICTY in the Hague
CEO at Krim Legal Aid in Aarhus and founder of Reassessment
The span in-between a sexual offence and a harmless flirt, is getting more narrow.
Actions considered by one part as innocent, may be perceived by the other part as a serious crime.
Sexual violations are among the worst crimes to be suspected, charged and convicted of, and often there are only two persons, who know what really happened.
This makes it extremely important to consult a Defense Attorney from the very start of a case.
Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg have extensive experience in this field, so do contact Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg, if suspected of a sexual offense.
One of Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg´s core areas of Criminal Law is cases on false accusations of sexual abuse;
A mere suspicion may result in substantial changes to life, even if the charges are dropped.
Not rarely, suspects are forced to move or to change their names, jobs and social network, to avoid unjustifiably to be taken into account, for having had a sexual relation.
Special rules apply that require a deep insight and understanding, which Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg have.
Illegal images and video clips is a very specific field of Sexual Crimes;
There are various degrees thereof, and on the Social Media and the internet mistakes can easily be made.
It is very important to use competent counseling, which can help explaining that there was no intent to handle illegal images or video clips.
Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg lead the most (in)famous cases on sharing of illegal video clips amongst young people in Denmark.
Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg have experience with all types of White-Collar Crimes;
Bankruptcy Quarantine
But Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg specifically lead many cases on Social Fraud;
Municipalities focus on Social Fraud by using control groups that follow citizens and report even minor violations or misunderstandings of Social Benefit-rules to the Police.
Average citizens are often being taken to court, because very complicated rules in a specific field are misunderstood, and the punishment is fines or prison, which result in a criminal record.
It is therefore necessary to consult a Defense Attorney from the first instance, when the Municipality or the Police is presenting a suspicion of violations of Social Benefit-rules.
Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg lead numerous cases in this field, so contact Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg, to ensure that the correct punishment is given, or misunderstandings are soughted out, before the case leads to a criminal record.
In recent years many Danes have been suspected or imprisoned abroad, including on suspicions of terrorism, which requires special expertise to handle as a Defense Attorney.
In these cases Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg use international experience, knowledge of other countries' criminal codes and rules, and experience from negotiation and Diplomacy.
It is always a very unpleasant experience to be suspected or imprisoned.
And this is even more so the case in a foreign country, where language, rules and practices are different from home.
Many believe that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs assist in getting Danes imprisoned abroad sent home.
But the reality is that the Ministry can only offer a limited amount of support from the Danish or EU Representations abroad.
But as such, the Ministry does not possess any instruments to get Danes imprisoned abroad released or transferred to serve their sentences at home.
A Danish Defense Attorney is therefore extremely useful;
Especially one who knows of foreign legal systems and has knowledge of several languages, including the legal terms and concepts.
Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg assist by establishing contact with national and foreign authorities, and is putting maximum pressure thereon, to get imprisoned persons released, or to serve their sentences in Denmark.
In all other countries very different rules apply;
These rules are important to gain insight in, to be able to set up a proper defence against the charges.
Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg assist with that.
Just as traumatic it is for Danes to be suspected or imprisoned abroad, accordingly unpleasant it is for foreigners to be imprisoned or suspected in Denmark;
It is a big relief to be assisted by a Defense Attorney, who speaks a language that is understood, which helps making imprisonment or suspicions in Denmark easier to cope with.
Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg´s employees speak several languages, and are therefore able to assist in making the Danish rules and practices understandable to foreigners.
Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg´s lawyers also use knowledge of foreign legal systems to explain the Danish system to foreigners detained in Denmark.
Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg also assist foreigners detained in Denmark, to be transferred to serve the sentence in their various home countries.
Terrorism is another area, which Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg have special expertise in, including from international tribunals in the Hague and various, international universities;
Terrorism has particularly been in focus since September 11, 2001, and afterwards most countries introduced very throughout laws and provisions, criminalizing a large number of activities that previously were not considered as terrorism;
Terrorism as such is a relatively new crime in Danish and in International Law, and very specific rules apply that require special expertise to use.
Terrorism often has connections abroad, and is covered by a set of international rules, which Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg are experienced in using.
The rules are very comprehensive, and even relatively ordinary types of crimes are now covered by the Anti-Terror provisions.
The fight for the climate or for Animal Rights for instance may now be covered by the Anti-Terror provisions.
PET (the Danish Intelligence Service) continuously monitors a large number of groups and individuals in Denmark, which are lawfully, politically or religiously active.
Activities that previously were legitimate, may be the scope of a PET or Police inquiry, and can be considered as terrorism or another illegal activity.
Both against terrorists and left- and right-wing communities, as well as immigrant and religious groups, the Anti-Terror provisions have been used in Denmark.
It is also illegal to support terrorist movements financially;
However, it may prove very difficult to determine, if an entity in Denmark, or abroad, is subject to the rules.
Rarely support groups make it public that they support terrorist movements.
Therefore, supporters can easily get into trouble, even though it was not the intention.
It has now also become illegal to express support for terrorism, which also applies to Social Media.
Terror acts have always been illegal in Denmark, but now a much wider span of activities are covered by the Anti-Terror provisions.
Therefore, it is important to use experienced counseling in terror cases.
It is not everything, the Police believes is terrorism that in fact is.
Terrorist acts abroad are also illegal to perform or contribute to from Denmark under Danish Law, and it does not only apply to active terrorist acts as such;
Transport of objects or persons to be used for terrorism is illegal, and it is also illegal to assist in planning terror abroad from Denmark.
It is also illegal to participate in terrorist training here or abroad, which are both punishable in Denmark.
Terrorism is one of the most serious crimes, and it can be punished with a lifetime sentence.
Attempted terror is initially punished by twelve years in prison, and if terror is committed, the punishment is 14 years minimum.
The rules have become extremely extensive, and the punishment is severe, so it is important at the very first inquiry from the Police or PET to contact a Defense Attorney, who has an insight in the special provisions.
Suspects are fully entitled thereto, even though Anti-terror rules are applied.
Another specialty area within International Criminal Cases is International Criminal Law;
Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg have experience with all of the international crimes within International Criminal Law;
Against Humanity
Attorney Rasmus Soelberg has experience from the major, international tribunals in the Hague and is educated from several international universities in this field;
Attorney Rasmus Soelberg holds an LL. M. in International Criminal Law from the Irish Center for Human Rights.
Here Attorney Rasmus Soelberg was taught and instructed by the world's leading capacity; Professor William Schabas.
Attorney Rasmus Soelberg regularly updates his knowledge by attending courses, conventions and conferences, including at;
Salzburg University, SOAS and BBP Universities in London, Malmo Hogskola and Hiil and Leiden Universities in the Hague, ICC and STL.
Attorney Rasmus Soelberg visited several areas, where Genocide was committed; Armenia, Cambodia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
And the international criminal tribunals; MICT in Arusha in Tanzania, ECCC in Phnom Pehn in Cambodia, plus all the major, international criminal tribunals in the Hague.
Attorney Rasmus Soelberg worked at; ICTY, STL and ICC in the Hague.
And is listed Defense Attorney and Victims´ Representative at; ICC, ECCC and STL.
A minor case of violence may seem to simple for consulting a Defense Attorney in.
But violence is as a minimum punished with one month in prison, and not with a suspended sentence.
This can be very traumatizing, especially for a younger person.
It also results in a criminal record, which create serious problems getting or holding a job, due to that most employers demand a clean criminal record.
In the EU special rules apply on extradition of suspects;
Previously, it was judged by national courts, if there was sufficient, legal basis for extraditing a suspect to another EU Country.
Now, a so-called EU Arrest Warrant is used for extraditions, which does not require a prior court decision.
That increase the need for professional advice, to initially avoid extradition.
Outside the EU special rules apply for extradition.
Therefore a Defense Attorney with large, international experience and with excellent language skills is very useful.
All over the globe people now travel and settle to a much higher extent away from their home countries and indulge in various relations to foreigners.
This creates problems and challenges, if things go wrong, and people are suspected or arrested by the Police.
Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg have vast experience and expertise in international criminal cases from international positions and programmes at various, international universities;
The Police is often telling suspects that they do not need a Defense Attorney, if they have nothing to hide.
But a statement to the Police is often misunderstood or distorted, which can make it almost impossible to recognize.
Therefore, it is always necessary to be joined by a Defense Attorney at police interviews, also at what initially seems as a harmless and normal conversation.
Even though the Police states that there is no need for a Defense Attorney, there always is.
Many suspects do not consult a Defense Attorney, when contacted by the Police, but that is not a good idea.
They seem to assume that it may damage their case, if they are using a Defense Attorney, but nothing could be more wrong and dangerous.
It is always necessary to use a Defence Attorney in all types of criminal cases.
Tax Fraud
War Crimes
2004 - 2005
2007 - 2010
2004 - 2006
Victims of violence and of sexual abuse are entitled to free counselling;
Victims´ Representatives provide mental and moral support at interviews with the Police and in Court.
The Victims´ Representative is also filing claims for compensation and is presenting it in court.
If a victim of violence, sexual abuse or similar, then contact Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg.
Also before the case is reported to the police, which Defense Attorney Rasmus Soelberg can assist with.